The Gathering is a PAOC Youth gathering happening at Calvary Temple in Winnpeg from April 26-27th! Cost is $30 and we will be staying at a house near CT overnight. We will always stick together as a group and drive to and from our conference sessions
Items To Bring:
Please ensure that your child/ward brings the following items with them on the trip:
Electronic devices may be brought but are to be used responsibly. The inappropriate use of a device may result in the temporary seizure of the device by Refuge Youth leaders. All personal items and effects are acknowledged to be the responsibility of the owner and not the responsibility of NextGenMB or Refuge Youth. The loss or damage of any items or effects is not the fault of NextGenMB or Refuge Youth.
Deadline for registration form and $30 to be in: Friday April 19th
Departure Time: 5:15pm, Friday April 26th from Abundant Life Chapel 90, 4th St LdB
Return Time: 11:30pm, Saturday April 27th Pick up from Abundant Life Chapel 90, 4th St LdBAp